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 Reported Speech  terbagi menjadi dua yaitu kalimat langsung (direct speech)  dan kalimat tidak langsung (indirect speech)  penulisan dalam Bahasa Inggris mengacu pada perubahan tenses  yang di tentukan oleh verba pada kalimat utamanya biasa disebut dengan introductory verb . Apabila  introductory verb  present tidak berubah. Namun apabila  introductory verb past pasti berubah.

A. Introductory Verb Present

     Terjadi Introductory Verb Present apabila:

     1. Membicarakan percakapan yang sedang berlangsung.

         Direct: the moderator says, " similar meetings will be held next month."

         Indirect: the moderator says that similar meetings will be held next month.

     2. Saat membaca surat atau perintah.

          Direct: she says,"I will be home for Ied Fitri."

          Indirect: she says that she will be home for Ied Fitri.

          Direct: It says, "water is to be wiped out from the surface before the appliance is used."

          Indirect: It says is to be wiped out from the surface before the appliance is used.  

3. Menyatakan suatu peryataan yang sering di ucapkan.

         Direct: He often says," I read therefore I know much."

         Indirect: he often says that he reads therefore he knows much.

B. Introductory Past Verb

     Jika verba dalam klausa utama past akan terjadi perubahan seperti pada gambar dibawah ini:

Direct : He said, " I never eat meal."

Indirect : He said that he never ate meal.

Direct : she said, " I am knitting."

Indirect : She said if she was knitting.

Direct : they said to me, " We have read your books."

Indirect : they said to me that they had read my books.

Direct : they said, " We saw a white tiger". 

Indirect : they said  that they had seen a while tiger.

Direct : she said, " I will buy a toaster."

Indirect : she said that she will buy a toaster.


Reported speech pattern

C. Perubahan Adverb of Time

    Keterangan waktu(adverb of time) mengalami perubahan  mengikuti tenses seperti pada  dibawah ini:

Yesterday     ➡️  the day before

Last week     ➡️ the previous week

A week ago   ➡️ a week before

Today            ➡️ that day

Now              ➡️ then

Tomorrow     ➡️ the next/ following day

D. Jenis Reported Speech

     Jenis penulisan reported speech terbagi menjadi tiga bagian yaitu, command  (perintah),  asking (pertanyaan), request (permintaan). Adapun dalam penggunaannya apabila di tuliskan secara statistik dalam bentuk digram akan tampak seperti pada gambar dibawah ini:

digram reported speech


penulisan kalimat ini terbagi menjadi dua jenis, penulisannnya seperti pada gambar dibawah ini:

command reported speech


asking reported speech

offering reported speech

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