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 conditional sentence atau di sebut kalimat berandai-andai/ berkhayal sudah di jelaskan pada pertemuan sebelumnya terdapat tiga jenis kalimat yang dapat ditulis sesuai dengan keadaan. Pada kali ini, akan di kupas tuntas terkait kalimat pengandaian jenis inversion atau inversi. Kalimat pengandaian jenis inversi. Dikatakan inversi karena penulisannya disusun balik dan hilangnya "IF".

Dalam penulisannya kalimat pengandaian tipe dua dan tiga lebih sering digunakan  daripada tipe pertama akan tetapi, tetap akan ada kemungkinan digunakan.


dari gambar diatas jika dijabarkan akan menghasilkan:

Conditional  1st

If he drinks a cup of milk, his mother will invite him 



Verb akhiran – s. –ch, -sh, -x, - o + es

Go à es

Watch à watches

verb BUKAN dengan akhiran -s, -ch, -sh, -o, -ss, -x + s

invite --> invites

come --> comes

Verb akhiran –Y

·         Sebelum huruf Y (a, I, u, e, o) + s

Play à plays

·         Sebelum huruf Y ( konsonan) y=i+es

Study à studies

Fly à flies


1st Inversion  type:

Should he drinks a cup of milk, his mother will invite him.

Should he not drink a cup of milk, his mother will invite him.


Conditional 2nd

If Reno went to Surabaya, Rini might visit his house.

2nd Inversion type:

Were Reno to go, Rini might visit his house. 

Were Reno not to go, Rini might visit his house.

Kalimat pengandaian inversi tipe kedua memiliki keistimewaan daripada kalimat inversi pertama dan kalimat inversi ketiga. Karena kalimat inversi tipe keduan:

·                Tidak  mengharapkan adanya aktivitas pada “if clause” secara langsung.


If I dyed my hair blue, my skin would look whiter (hahaha)


kalimat diatas “I” tidak benar-benar ingin mencelupkan rambutnya agar menjadi warna biru.  (sudah dapat membedakan if clause dan main clause bukan :D.




·                Beranggapan bahwa faktanya bertentangan dengan harapan.



I would give a basket of chocolate if I were you.


Kalimat diatas kata “I” bertentangan karena “I” bukanlah “you”.


Ø   Wish

v  I wish Doraemon were here now.


Ø   If and if only

v  If Dhoni ate for one week.

v  If only we had a rope.


Ø   As if and as though

v He behaves as if he owned the place.

v He talks as though he knew where she was.

Ø   Unless

v  Unless the floods go down we should not be able to use the ford.


Conditional 3rd

If Mr. Suta had watched me in competition, I could have visited his house.

3rd inversion type:

Had Mr. Suta watched me in competition, I could have visited his house. 

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