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 The social function of procedure text is to give the ways or instruction for making or doing something completely.

Generic Structure

The procedure text has three part there are;

-       Goal         : in this part tell a description of what will be done or the finished product.

-       Materials : ask the reader to use what are needed which may include; ingredients, utensils, materials or equipments to do the instructions.

-       Steps        intruction to the reader to achieve the final purpose.

 Analysis :

1. Goal   : it states the goal to be achieved.

2. Materials: it lists the material needed, it often gives detail on the size, color, numbers, shapes, quantity etc.

3. Method: describe the steps in logical order to achieve the goal.

Kinds of procedure:

1. Instruction manuals ( tata cara menggunakan atau mengoperasikan sesuatu secara manual). Misalkan tata cara memasang knalpot, tata cara menambal ban, tata cara memasang lampu.

2. Recipe (tata cara memasak atau menyajikan makanan atau minuman)

3. Brochures and books (berisi tata cara mengoperasikan sesuatu yang di sajikan dalam bentuk brosur atau buku panduan).

Language feature

The language features of procedure text are:

1.  The sentence type is imperative.

2.  Use action verb.

3.  Use connectives to order actions.

4.  Use adverbials to state detailed (adverb phrases).

Read the example please !

Recipe procedure Text


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