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 Adjective clause or relative pronoun memiliki arti yang sama yaitu menggabungkan dua kalimat komplek dengan unsur yang sama. Dengan ciri khusus :

✓Adjective clause selalu di tulis di belakang benda yang akan di terangkan.

✓ kedua kalimat memiliki fungsi yang berbeda-beda yaitu sebagai kalimat keterangan dan kalimat komplek.

✓ Adjective clause di gunakan sebagai kata ganti.

Adjective clause yang digunakan:

Adjective clause

1. WHO 

     Mengantikan orang sebagai subject ... Verb/ is, am, was, were (modal).

Example : 

The man is Bill.

He is a cool man.

~~ The man who cool is Bill.

The man pada kalimat kedua di gantikan dengan who sebagai subject pronoun the man. Selain itu dapat juga menggunakan kata that sebagai penggantinya 

~~ The man that has a cool is Bill.


2. WHOM 

     Menggantikan orang sebagai object ... Object pronoun + verb.


The girl has just watched the football match.

She is sitting beside her boyfriend.

~~ The girl whom sitting  beside her boyfriend has just watched the football match.

Her pada kalimat kedua sebagai object digantikan dengan whom. Selain itu dapat juga menggunakan kata that.


~~ The girl that sitting beside her boyfriend has just watched the football match.


Mengantikan subject ataupun object (peran ganda) ... 

Subject as Noun .....Verb/ is, am, was, were (modal).

Example :

The car is ours.

It put on the garage.

~~ The car which put on the garage is ours.

The car merupakan subject (it) digantikan dengan which sebagai  kata ganti benda sebagai subject.

Objek as Noun ... Object pronoun + verb.

Example :

The movie was frightened.

Rania saw it last evening.

~~ The movie which Rania saw it last evening was frightened.


Menggantikan kata ganti milik ... (benda yang di miliki).

Example :

The man lived next to me.

His wife died 4 years ago.

~~ The man whose wife died 4 years ago lived next to me.

His menunjukkan kepemilikan (istriNYA) possessive adjective di gantikan dengan whose.


Fungsi of which sama dengan whose.

Example :

The wolf catching horse.

Its horse's leg was injured.

~~ The horse of which was injured catching the wolf.

Penggunaan preposisi dalam relative pronoun

Whom dan which dapat berfungsi sebagai object of preposition.


Modifying a car is my hobby.

I interested in it.

~~ Modifying a car which I interested in is my hobby.

~~ Modifying a car in which I interested is my hobby.

I met the dentist.

You told me about him.

~~ I met the doctor whom you told me about.

~~ I met the doctor about whom you told me about.

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