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Taukah kamu apa beda pendapat dan gagasan ??

Opini di ambil dari Bahasa Inggris "opinion"  yang artinya adalah pendapat seseorang yang kebenarannya belum jelas. Informasi yang di sampaikan hasil olah pikir, sudut pandang  yang menyampaikan opini dan mendapatkan dukungan orang banyk.

Gagasan dalam Kamus Bahaasa Indonesia diartikan sebagai hasil pemikiran atau ide.

opinion & thought


✔ Secara pribadi

    . 1. What I mean is ...

      2. In my opinion ...

      3. I think ...

      4. Peronally, I think ...

      5. In my experience ...

      6. I strongly believe that ...

      7. As far as I am concerned ...

      8. From my point of view ...

      9. As I understand ...

    10. In my humble opinion ...

    11. I would like to point out that ...

    12. To my mind ...

    13. By this I mean ...

    14. I am compelled to say ...

    15. I reckon ...

    16. As I see it ...

✔ Secara umum

     1. Most people do not agree ...

     2. Generally it is accepted ...

     3. The majority disagree/ agree with ...

     4. It is sometimes argued ...

     5. It is considered ...

     6. Almost everyone ...

     7. Some people say that ...

     8. Some people believe ...

     9. Of course, many argue ..

   10. While some people believe ...


✔  Accepting

     1. of course ...

     2. This is absolutely right.

     3. I agree with this opinion.

     4. I couldn't agree more.

     5. I agree with  what you are saying but hve you ever ...

     6. I agree, I never thought of that.

     7. Neither do I.

     8. That's a good point.

     9. I think so too.

✔ Declining

    1. I am sorry, I don't agree with you.

    2. I am not sure. I agree with you.

    3. I don't agree with you.

    4. I am afraid I have to disagree with you.

    5. I do not believe that.

    6. By this I mean ...

    7. I disagree with you

    8. I think you are wrong.

   9. That's not the same thing at all.

  10. It is not justified to say so.

  11. I am not convinced that ...

  12. I can't say I agree with this, and here's why ...



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