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Offer dalam Bahasa Inggris di artikan penawaran.  Dalam menawarkan sesuatu terkadang ada yang di terima dan ada penolakan. Berikut di bawah ini ungkapan penawaran dan responnya.

Expression of offering

√ May I help you...

√ Can I help you...

√ Shall I bring you some tea?

√ Would you like another swimsuit?

√ How about, I help you with this?

√ Can I clean the car for you?

√ Shall I help you with your homework?

√ I will do the washing, if you like.


√ Yes, please. I really appreciate it.

√ Thank you. It is very kind of you.

√ Yes, please. That would be very kind of you.

√ Yes, please. Thàt would be lovely.

√  Thank you. I appreciate your help.


√ It's okay. I can do it my self.

√ No, thank you.

√ No, thanks. I don't want another helping.

√ Don't worry. I will do it my self.

√ That's alright. I will manage on mu own.

Offering n suggestíon

Suggestíon dalam Bahasa Inggris memiliki arti saran. Suatu saran dapat di terima dan mendapatkan penolakan. Di bawah ini ungkapan saran beserta respon penerimaan dan penolakan.

Expression of suggestíon
√ Let's go to the library.
√ Let's go to movies.
√ Why don't you do your homework before going out?
√ We  could eat at home today.
√ What about eating at the new cake?
√ How about going to Sam's place first?
√ I suggest that we call it a day.
√ You need to change your sleeping habits.
√ I think you should go and meet her.
√ I think we should do it this way.

√ Let's go..
√ Ok, I will..
√ Yes, let's is a good idea.
√ Ok. If you say so.

√ No, thank you. I do not like going.
√ Sorry, I think. I will go out first and then do my homework.
√ No, Let's just go to the supermarket.
√ Sorry. I can't. I have previous engagement.

Example :
Situation 1

Syam brings many books to the teacher's room. Richard meet him in Hall then look inconvenience.

Richard : hi, what books?
Syam      : match books.
Richard  : shall I bring some book?
Syam      : yes, please. That would be lovely.
                  Thick books please.
Richard : with pleasure.

Both of them walked on the teacher's room.

Syam : How about drinking a cup of ice tea Bro. Thankful.
Richard : No, let's just go to the class,
Hmmm,,,,, how about going to canteen in break time to drink a cup of ice tea.
Syam : it's a good idea.
Richard : ok deal...treat me.
Syam : ok deal.

Situation 2
Alexa want to go to the supermarket but she is lost and confuse. Fredy saw her across the street.

Fredy : Alexa,,,,what's the matter? (Come near to her)
Alexa : I want to go to the supermarket but I am lost.
Fredy : Can I take you to the supermarket?
Alexa :  sure, with pleasure. But, we have turn back there is a warning prohibited street.
Fredy : I would recommend you to another street. Let's on my back.
Alexa : Ok, IF you say so.

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