kalian pernah atau malah sering di tuduh melakukan hal yang sebenarnya tidak pernah kalian lakukan ?? dipertemuan kali ini ada tips bagaimana cara  merespon secara elegant jadi kalian tetep bisa keliatan keren yuk simak.


Expressing blaming (menyalahkan) 

  • "It is your fault this happend."
  • "You are to blame for the mistake."
  • "This would not have happened if you had listened."
  • "You are the reason this is a disaster."
  • "You completely messed this up."
  • "You have mined everything."
  • " You are the one who caused this problem."
  • "You are blaming everyone else. But, it is your fault."
Expressing of accusing (menyalahkan)
  • "You are accusing me of lying?"
  • " I am accusing you of not telling the truth."
  • "It seems like you are trying to hide something."
  • "I accuse you of stealing the money."
  • "You are lying and I can't prove it."
  • "I am accusing you of sabotage."
  • " I accuse you of deliberately causing this problem."
  • " You are accused of negligence, and you are to blame for the damage."

Response blaming and accusing

1. Defensive/Denying:

  • "That's not true! I didn't do it."
  • "You're wrong. I'm not responsible for that."
  • "Why are you blaming me? It wasn't my fault."
  • "I have no idea what you're talking about."
  • "I refuse to be accused of something I didn't do."
  • "You're trying to pin this on me."

2. Counter-Accusatory:

  • "If anyone's to blame, it's you!"
  • "You're the one who caused this problem!"
  • "Don't try to shift the blame to me!"
  • "You're accusing me? Look at what you did!"

3. Seeking Clarification:

  • "What exactly are you accusing me of?"
  • "Can you explain why you think I'm responsible?"
  • "What evidence do you have?"
  • "Could you please elaborate on what happened?"

4. Calm/Neutral:

  • "I understand you're upset, but I disagree with your assessment."
  • "Let's discuss this calmly and try to find a solution."
  • "I'd like to understand your perspective."
  • "I'm willing to talk about this, but I won't tolerate false accusations."
  • "I understand that you are upset, however, I did not do that."

5. Apologetic (if applicable):

  • "I'm sorry you feel that way. I didn't intend to cause any problems."
  • "I apologize if my actions contributed to the situation."
  • "I understand how my actions could be seen that way."
  • (If you are truly at fault) "You are right, I am sorry, I will try to fix it."

6. Refusal to Engage:

  • "I'm not going to argue about this."
  • "I'm not going to engage with these accusations."
  • "I'm leaving."


Liam: "Mia, the coffee is spilled. You did it!"

Mia: "No, I didn't! You're blaming me for everything."

Liam: "But you were right there! You're accusing me of lying?"

Mia: "I'm not lying! It wasn't me."

Semoga bisa membantu.

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