DEFINITION Analitical exposition text adalah teks yang menjelaskan secara ri…
DEFINITION News item text adalah teks berita yang memberikan informasi harian …
DEFINITION Spoof text adalah teks yang menceritakan kejadian lucu pada masa …
This text tells as same as narrative text. But, in this text tells funny and …
Definition Discussion text adalah teks yang berisi pembahasan atau opin…
This text explains a process relating to natural phenomena. Sosial science, a…
The social function of procedure text is to give the ways or instruction for …
In this text describe general inference or to report something accident and w…
The purpose of narrative text is infuence the reader to vicarious the events in…
RECOUNT TEXT Communicative purpose of recount text is to tell the past event…
Before, starting our lesson read text on the below carefully, then prepare your…